Why You Should Train In Krav Maga

Gain the power to ensure your safety and confidence when faced with dangerous situations! Discover the simplicity and proven effectiveness of Krav Maga! Attacks happen when we least expect them, when we are most vulnerable, in areas congested with furniture and other objects, on uneven ground, in low light areas, in car parks and many […]
Classes – Womens Self Defence
Don’t become a victim! Discover how to fight back! The Personal Safety Survey (2006) provided data on Australian women’s lifetime experiences of violence (since the age of 15). In Australia: • 40% of all women have experienced violence since the age of 15. • 29% have experienced physical assault. • 17% have experienced sexual assault. […]
Krav Maga
Krav Maga (Contact Combat) is one of the quickest growing self defence systems world wide. It was originally developed for the Israeli Defence and Security forces and has since gained interest with civilians, celebrities, military and law enforcement personnel around the world. Based on simple principles and instinctive movements, Krav Maga is a modern day […]
How is Krav Maga different?
Most attacks do not occur in the comfort and regulated environment of a formal dojo or training hall. Krav Maga training is therefore predicated on the fact that attacks and life threatening situations can occur anywhere and in an instant. Attacks happen when we least expect them, when we are most vulnerable, in areas congested […]
What Will You Learn
Here are just some of the things that you will learn here at Krav Maga Cairns • The self confidence to identify, avoid and, if necessary neutralize an attack • How to function effectively under the stress and shock of a sudden attack • How to defend against a number of common attacks such as […]
Benefits of Krav Maga
The benefits of Krav Maga Are…. • Increase in confidence. • Increase ability to deal with the stress of confrontation. • Easy to learn • Simple effective • Fun, exciting and challenging classes • Increased level of fitness